Saint Vincent of Lerins Orthodox Church
Welcome to St. Vincent of Lerins Orthodox Church!
Church at 821 Ave E N, Saskatoon, SK S7L 1S6
December 2015 Nativity (Christmas) Services: Mon Dec. 21, Tues Dec 22, 6:30pm: Prefeast of Nativity; Vespers Wed Dec. 23, 6:30pm: Sacrament Of Holy Unction Thurs Dec. 24, 9 am: Royal Hrs. followed immediately by Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil Thurs Dec. 24, 10 pm: Festal Orthros Thurs Dec. 24, 11 pm: Divine Liturgy - Feast of the Nativity of Christ
Saint Vincent of Lerins Orthodox Church contacts
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Address | 821 Ave E N Saskatoon SK S7L 1S6 Get directions |
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Saint Vincent of Lerins Orthodox Church website info
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Website title: Welcome to St. Vincent of Lerins Orthodox Church!
Website description: December 2015 Nativity (Christmas) Services: Mon Dec. 21, Tues Dec 22, 6:30pm: Prefeast of Nativity; Vespers Wed Dec. 23, 6:30pm: Sacrament Of Holy Unction Thurs Dec. 24, 9 am: Royal Hrs. followed immediately by Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil Thurs Dec. 24, 10 pm: Festal Orthros Thurs Dec. 24, 11 pm: Divine Liturgy - Feast of the Nativity of Christ